
A short subhead intro here


A young upcoming Designer, Stylist, and Model from Harlem, New York. Growing up as a kid with an insatiable hunger to create and make his ideas tangible in any way he could. An instinctual, strong, competitive drive, deriving from being an athlete in a sports household. Slay3rr went through many different forms of art trying to figure out how to fully express himself.

From a young age, he participated in everything from choir at FCBC, to dancing and acting at HSA. Including playing over ten instruments in orchestra and band at the schools he attended, as well as drawing out his own comic books and characters. At some point he decided to design robots, so he practiced coding and design for years until reaching a level in 8th grade where all the resources he needed to progress were unattainable. With robotics gone, he started looking for other outlets for his creativity like architecture, aerospace and car design, even welding and blacksmithing. But being a middle schooler in Harlem there weren’t as many opportunities surrounding these kinds of topics.

Wanting to know more about clothes Slay3rr began to model to learn other people’s perspectives and thought processes as well as seeing clothes from a different point of view. While still learning how to sew and apply his expression of self to his creations, Slay3rr sought guidance. Thankfully his father knew just who to take him to. Adrian Alicea, who is not only a great Designer but a wonderful teacher. It took six hours, but Slay3rr learned how to use a sewing machine, and made his very own tote bag. Not long after, he got his own sewing machine and began to run with everything he’d learned, making all the designs he could think of and starting his brand.

Slay3rr is currently still trying to get into architecture, aerospace, car design, welding, and blacksmithing, and still using fashion as his main outlet to make his ideas tangible. He wants to lean more into costume design and making more costume-esque streetwear or ready-to-wear. While sewing the armor and designs that he’d want to smith and weld, while still trying to find a space where he can just create all that he can.

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