Restock your wardrobe with a fresh look at our swap SHOP!

#SustainableFashion #Swapping #MidlandsFashion #SwapShop

So how does it work & how can I get involved?
Taking part in the Swap Shop couldn’t be easier. It’s a great way to refresh your wardrobe without having to spend any money! All you’ve got to do is register below and decide what you’re going to bring but remember, you’ll need to purchase tickets to the show in order to participate.
Your Swap Items
Bring up to 10 of your finest items including shoes and accessories to our check in located at the NEC Birmingham outside Hall 3A near the stairs to Birmingham International Station.
You may begin dropping your items on Sept 19th between the hours of 4 pm and 7 pm.
Alternatively, bring your items on the days of the event (Sept 21 & 22) from 10am to 1 pm.
We recommend you drop them before as entry to the swap will be granted on a first dropped first served basis!
We recommend you drop them before as entry to the swap will be granted on a first dropped first served basis!
Each item accepted will receive a credit in exchange (Swappers can bring an unlimited number of clothing items, but will receive a maximum of 10 tokens)
The tokens are your currency for ‘purchasing new items’ at the swap.
If your items are not suitable for swapping you can either take them back or leave with us to recycle.
Browse the Swap Collection
On the days of the event Sept 21 & 22, you are granted access to browse the swap shop open at the specified times.
Our team will hang and fold all donated items in clothing categories for ease locating your favourite fashion finds.
You will also have access to a fitting area and lots of support on hand from us for the full shopping experience.
Swaps are guaranteed high energy, the experienced swapper will know first entry can be busy. But for those wanting a slower experience be assured quieter times throughout the day.
Checkout with your new Items
Once you have chosen your items, go to the check out and you have managed to update your wardrobe guilt free without spending a penny!
You will exchange 1 token for each item. Sometimes swappers find ‘the one’ despite donating 10, that’s cool, we remind all swappers to only donate items they are absolutely ready to part with and only take home what they need and love.
Thanks in advance for taking part in the reduce, rewear, relove swap revolution
swap rules
- Items should be clean, folded or pressed.
- Items should be of good quality with a long potential lifespan Items likely to be valued by others – ask yourself, would I be happy to give this item to a friend?
- Items should be free of faults or with minor faults that are easy to repair (for example, a missing button).
- No nightwear, underwear or swimwear.
- Ultimate discretion is ours as to whether or not items are accepted into the swap.
- If your items are not accepted into our swap, we will facilitate recycling for you through our chosen partner if you choose not to take back the item.