The Good Clothes Show, London opens in



A short subhead intro here

Judy's Vintage Flea

We believe that style is eternal and that your clothes and homes should be too.

By shopping from the past, we can be kind to the future and help stop the impact of fast fashion and throw away homewares on our planet. We are also committed to cutting out plastic through every step of our process. From potato starch bags to reducing our packaging, please bear with us as we get to work. We’ll of course keep you posted on our progress.

Call us soft but we’re dead romantic and believe that our wardrobes have a history too; that if our clothes could talk, they’d be holding court, regaling us with their stories (some probably not PG). Those stories must not end with you. Once you and an item are ready to part ways, remodel it, re-purpose it or simply pass it on and let the saga continue. Each year, 350,0000 tonnes of clothing goes to landfill in the UK and so we all have a part to play. Look out for content on our social channels to show the best way to keep your pieces going.